1. Forum Makers, LLC (the "Company", “we”, or “our”) Trademark and Copyright Usage Guidelines
    1. The Company's trademarks and copyrighted works include: brand names, logos, website content, videos and other matter protected under trademark or copyright law. ​These are among our most valuable assets. These Guidelines are intended to help our partners, customers, developers, consultants, publishers, and/or any other third party understand when and how they may use our trademarks and copyrighted works properly in promotional, commercial, educational or reference materials, and when they may not.
    2. We have included a summary of high-level points below for your reference; however, you are responsible for carefully reviewing these Guidelines in their entirety ​before using any of the Company's trademarks or copyrighted works.
  2. Changes to these Guidelines
    1. The Company may change these Guidelines by providing or linking to an updated version of the Guidelines at our website and such updates will be effective upon posting.
  3. Summary of our Usage Guidelines
    1. You must always use the Company's trademarks and copyrighted works in accordance with these Trademark and Copyright Usage Guidelines (“Guidelines”) as well as any other guidelines the Company has provided you.
    2. The Company can modify or revoke at any time, in its sole discretion, any permission we grant you to use our trademarks and copyrighted works unless specifically prohibited in a separate agreement.
    3. All rights we grant you to use our trademarks and copyrighted works require that you specify that the trademarks and copyrighted works belong to the Company.
    4. You agree not to challenge the Company's ownership of its trademarks and/or copyrighted works.
    5. We make no warranties of any kind with any permissions we grant of the Company's trademarks and copyrighted works.
    6. You may not transfer the rights granted in these Guidelines to anyone else.
  4. What Is a Trademark?
    1. A trademark is a word, name, symbol, design, or device (or a combination of these) that identifies the goods or services of a person or company and distinguishes them from the goods or services of others. A trademark assures consumers of consistent quality with respect to those goods or services and aids in their promotion.
    2. Unless we grant written permission in a contract or other document, or describe below a permitted use, you may not use any of the Company's trademarks. But, even after we grant such permission, we retain the right to modify or revoke such permission in our sole discretion unless otherwise prohibited in a separate agreement. If you have questions about these Guidelines as they pertain to trademarks, please contact us at [email protected].
  5. What Is Copyright?
    1. Copyrights are exclusive rights in original works, including certain written, pictorial, and graphical works, audiovisual works, and computer programs. The owner of a copyright in a work has the right to exclude others from reproducing, displaying, distributing, creating derivative works from, performing, or otherwise using the work. The Company owns copyright in its logos, website designs and content, videos and other promotional materials, and its proprietary computer code, as well as other works not specified here.
    2. You may not use, reproduce, distribute, or create derivative works from any copyrighted work, or any portion of a copyrighted work, owned by the Company without first receiving a license from the Company. But even after we grant you permission to use a work, we retain the right to modify or revoke that permission in our sole discretion unless prohibited in a separate agreement. If you have questions about these Guidelines as they pertain to copyright, please contact us at [email protected].
  6. Permitted Use of the Company​'s T​rademarks and/or Copyrights
    1. You may refer to the Company’s trademarks in word form only ​to describe accurately how your products or services relate to our products or services, so long as you follow these Guidelines and make clear that your products and services are not offered, sponsored, or endorsed by the Company.
    2. As much as practicable, you should use the Company's trademarks as adjectives, followed by the generic category name of the product or service each mark modifies, e.g., “the Forum Makers website” or “the CEIC conference.” Please do not use the Company's trademarks as nouns or verbs.
    3. Do not shorten or abbreviate any of the Company's trademarks or use any of the Company's trademarks in plural, possessive, or modified form.
    4. Where your reference to any of the Company’s trademarks is primarily intended for a U.S. audience or will be distributed through a U.S. website, publication, or trade show, include the ® or ™ symbol associated with the mark(s) at issue, as appropriate. The ® or ™ symbol need only be used on your first or most prominent reference to said mark(s). Do not include any symbol after any of the Company’s trademark(s) if your publication is intended for use or distribution outside the U.S.
    5. You may only use any of the Company's logos under license or other written contractual permission. If a specialized logo has been assigned to you in writing to designate your business relationship with the Company, use of such specialized logo under these circumstances shall strictly comply with the form and extent of permission granted to you, and such use must remain in compliance with all applicable then current Company trademark, copyright and/or logo usage guidelines.
    6. When referencing any of the Company’s trademarks in text, you must distinguish said mark(s) from the surrounding text by capitalizing the first letter in each word of such Company trademark(s).
  7. Prohibited Use of the Company's Trademarks and/or Copyrights
    1. You may not incorporate any of the Company's trademarks or logos or any other recognizable portion of any of the Company's trademarks or logos, in your company’s name, app name, publication title, conference title, website name, domain name, social media handle or other source identifying materials (e.g. <> or <> or <> or <> as your domain name/website address or name your product “XYX CEIC”, “CEIC XYZ”, “XYZ Forum Makers,” or “ForumMakersXYZ”), without the Company's express prior written permission, which may require a license agreement. Except as otherwise contractually provided, the Company reserves the right to modify or withdraw any such permission at any time.
    2. You may not use any trademark or service mark that is likely to be confused with any of the Company's trademarks in your company’s name, app name, publication title, conference title, website name, domain name, social media handle or other source identifying material or otherwise give the impression of affiliation with or endorsement by the Company (e.g., a name or brand that may be viewed as being a part or extension of a Company trademark “family”). You may not use abbreviations or foreign language translations of any of the Company's trademarks.
    3. You may not purchase any of the Company's trademarks as an ad word or advertising key word from any search engine, social media forum, or other online venue without express written permission from the Company, which permission may be withdrawn if you violate these Guidelines or any supplementary guidelines which may apply to you.
    4. You may not display or otherwise use or incorporate any of the Company's logos, designs, website content, videos, testing materials, or any other trademark or copyrighted work of the Company on your website, social media forums, marketing collateral, any publicly facing presentation materials, other promotional materials, or otherwise in connection with your products or services without an express, written license.
    5. You may not modify or alter any of the Company's logos, designs, or other trademarks or copyrighted works in any manner. You may not incorporate any of the Company's logos, designs, or other trademarks or copyrighted works in your own company logo or product logo, except under license.
    6. You may not use typestyles or fonts for your company name or product name that look like those of the Company's trademarks, logos, or stylizations, if the use creates the potential impression of an association between the Company and your company. You may not use logos, designs or stylizations that incorporate design elements of, or look similar to, logos, designs or stylizations of the Company (e.g., you may not feature your company name or brand name inside the Forum Makers logo).
    7. You may not use any of the Company's trademarks or copyrighted works in a disparaging way or in any way which dilutes, tarnishes, or otherwise conflicts with the Company's ability to use and/or enforce its trademarks or copyrighted works, even if such use is under license.
    8. Unless provided under a license or covered under terms of service, you may only use the Company source code labeled as “sample source code” or the like to run your application on a Company service or to interoperate with a Company service.
  8. Appropriate Attribution Language
    1. For Trademarks: Where you have been granted the Company's written authorization to use a specific trademark, you must always include the appropriate trademark attribution language provided for in your written authorization, or by placing the following statement at the bottom of the first page on which you use the trademark:
      1. “[insert Company trademark] is a trademark of Forum Makers, LLC, and is used here with permission.”
    2. For Copyrighted Works: Where you have been granted the Company's written authorization to use a copyrightable work (video, screenshot, blog post, etc.), you must always include the appropriate copyright attribution language provided for in your written authorization, or by including the following statement:
      1. “© 2XXX Forum Makers, LLC. All rights reserved. Used here with permission.” (Note 2XXX is the year set forth in Forum Makers’ copyright notice.)
  9. General Guidelines
    1. These Guidelines are not intended to be an exhaustive list of the Company's rights in its trademarks and copyrighted works. The Company reserves all rights in its intellectual property, including rights not expressly described in these Guidelines. Any goodwill derived from your use of any of the Company's trademarks under license or pursuant to the Guidelines inures solely to the Company's benefit.
    2. If you have a business relationship with the Company, you may have received additional guidelines outlining prohibited and permitted uses of the Company's trademarks and/or copyrighted works, including written requirements for the size, typeface, colors, and other graphical characteristics for each. Any such additional guidelines merely supplement and do not replace these Guidelines.
    3. The Company requires you to abide by these Guidelines as well as all applicable supplementary guidelines and retains the right at all times, in its sole and absolute discretion, to modify or revoke any permissions provided in these Guidelines or in relation to these Guidelines.
    4. The permissions provided in these Guidelines are provided free of charge. The Company shall not be liable to you for any damages arising out of use of the Company's trademarks or copyrighted works pursuant to these Guidelines—whether direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, punitive, exemplary, or otherwise.

Version 2024.05a

Version History

2024.05a - 2024-MAY-27 - Initial Public Version